Friday, January 14, 2011

The Journey

My daughter and I decided to go on a little hunting adventure, One glorious morning! We got all geared up, And off we went on our little journey.As we began the hike it was beautiful and pleasant, but I soon grew weary and tired.I turned around and looked back at where we initially began.We had not made it to the half way point yet. I began stopping for many little breaks.As I looked up and then back down again; I thought to myself maybe this is how life was?A journey with many little stops along the way.Out of breath and so weary,I looked once again to the top of that mountain.At this time; I realized,I wanted to make it to the top!I gasped for breath with each and every stride. When I thought I could bare no longer;I stopped,rested and refreshed with a drink.Moving forward again. Each step got heavier and heavier!I was loaded down with several layers of clothing,A gun strapped to my shoulder and several bags:food,drink,ammo and a flash light.Jacalyn began to gaze at me. she had stopped moving. She said mom, Let me take hold of your baggage.I didn't think twice.I stripped off the bags,gun and light and gave them to her.She carried them the rest of the way!O did I say we finally made it to the top!I was relieved!!! With great joy I shouted praise!I was so glad to be at our destination.That is when I saw for the very first time, the hand built hotel in the air.It was beautiful!We climbed up the ladder higher and higher until we came to a door.I opened the door;Peered in, and to my amazement there were two seats.One seat for me and one for Jacalyn.We then entered in and shut the door behind us!We sat down and rested.At this point we knew our journey was complete!I gazed out unto all God's beauty,It was all around us!His beautifully painted skies,large mountains,colorful trees and nature everywhere!We were feeling the greatness of being in-tune with our surroundings.The birds of the air chirping,A hawk soaring in the sky and the squirrels were playing with each other in the trees.We did not see any deer this day, but we did learn something that would stay with us forever! It was that journey.In our Christian walk with the Lord we move forward with each stride.Sometimes we get tired and weary in the beginning-"Refresh" and get a "Drink" from the Lord Jesus!We can Carry excess baggage;"Take His yoke when we are heavy laden,"- Lose the baggage!Trust in Him, We cannot go this journey alone!He shall see you through and sustain you. When you make it to the top,He will open the door!!! Great joy will be yours.Then their will be true unity with Him-Our surrounding- "Creator" and A seat in His Palace!Glory Be to God!

Journey 11/25/2008 Care~

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